

Throughout 2012, the Salmat business has once again demonstrated its resilience. We built momentum during the course of the year, in the face of a soft operating environment and restrained consumer spending that impacted our primarily consumer facing customers, with the second half outperforming the traditionally stronger first half.

The historical core, the catalogue business, has achieved solid volume growth across Australia’s major retailers. We have made good progress in the execution of our technology driven strategy, with the launch of the Salmat Digital brand reflecting continued development of our capabilities. The Contact Centre business is improving and has a strong pipeline underpinning growth prospects.

On 30 May 2012, we announced that an unsolicited approach regarding the possible acquisition of the Business Process Outsourcing Division (“BPO”) had been received. A thorough process was undertaken to ensure shareholder value was maximised, culminating in the divestment of BPO to FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation.
